R+C Furniture University

How Do I Select The Best Sectional Sofa?

Hi there, I'm Chris and I'm here to give you some tips on finding the perfect piece of furniture for your home.

Okay, let's talk about sectional sofas. There are three ways a sectional sofa can be built. Now the most common type of sectional is gonna be the L shape, where it's three pieces of furniture that connect together using little metal fasteners that ratchet together. Now, on some of our pieces, we can take that corner piece and integrate it into one of one-arm sofas, so you end up with two pieces of furniture instead of three. Finally, there's the sofa chaise which is a really popular option. It's a one-armed sofa that connects to a chaise piece that's sort of like an armchair with an ottoman and it's attached to it.

Okay, that's a lot, I get it, but there's more because we can take those pieces and put 'em together in a bunch of different ways. Maybe you want a corner piece that's square or maybe you wanna a wedge corner that has a curve to it. We can do a U shaped sectional, where we take one-armed sofa, one-armed sofa, a couple corners and an armless piece, there's a billion different ways you can combine these things. You can even do these things called a bumper. I don't know if you've seen this before, but it's like a chaise sort of combined with like an armless piece, so you get a bit of a backrest, but it's also a chaise, so you can lay down on it, lots of options.

It gets really complicated, so we kind of like to start off with some basic questions. How much room do you have for your sectional? We're gonna want you to measure the maximum dimensions that you can accommodate, length and depth. Now remember this is not the seating space, this is the outside dimensions of the piece.

Another important question is how many people do you need to sit on the sectional? How big are they? Children, adults. And what else is gonna be in the room? Are there gonna be chairs, coffee table? Is there gonna be room for everything? The last thing I want you to be doing is stubbing your toe on a piece of furniture when you try to walk around it.

Another thing to keep in mind is are you gonna be moving anytime soon? 'Cause a lot of sectionals are locked down in terms of configuration. It can be a left arm or it can be a right arm and you can't swap it back and forth, so if you're gonna be moving, will this piece fit in your next home? Once you have an answer to these questions or wanna talk through it with us, give us a call because we can help you figure out just the perfect size that's gonna get you everything you need and we can even do scale drawings for you to make sure the layout looks right.

Now depending on what you're asking for or the size that you have to work with, we may offer some alternatives because sometimes a sectional, it could look great, but it may just not really be right for you. You might be better off with a sofa and a couple of armchairs or two loveseats. There's a lot of different ways to put furniture together that can be the right fit for your particular home. And whatever the solution is, I'm confident we've got the answer for it and we're here to help make that decision process easy for you.

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