Our House And Interview In Locale Magazine

Chris and Buck on the stairs

We were interviewed for an article about our home in shelter magazine Locale.

Locale Cover


Eclectic and Witty Decor Meets Modern Architecture


Driving up to Roger and Chris Stout-Hazard's ultra-modern home, you expect that the interior will mimic the exterior: modern and minimal. Upon entering the home, it's evident your expectations were wrong. Cold minimalism is nowhere to be found.

The 1,500-square-foot home feels much larger than its footprint would suggest. Twenty-four windows fill the house with light, and the high ceilings give the loft-like structure an airy, breezy quality. The homes of their neighborhood were all designed and fabricated with budget in mind, resulting in a bare-bones aesthetic that could quite easily read one note: modern.

Feeling that an all-contemporary look was too "generic," Roger and Chris went in a different direction. "We keep calling it a 'modern farmhouse,'" says Roger, star of A&E's Sell This House and Sell This House: Extreme. This label is spot-on.

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