Questions & Answers

Candid answers to your questions about furniture and design.

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What's the difference between full and semi-aniline leather?

What's the difference between full and semi-aniline leather?

Broadly speaking, there are two types of leather out there in the world, full-aniline, and semi-aniline. The difference is really in how these leather hides are selected, prepared, and then colored. Duration 2:39.

How is fabric durability measured?

How is fabric durability measured?

Let's talk about fabric durability, specifically the abrasion resistance of fabric and how that is measured. Duration 3:41.

What are the different sofa backrests?

What are the different sofa backrests?

There are basically three different types of backrests that you can get on a piece of furniture. Here they are. Duration 3:25.

What's the best kind of sofa for little kids?

What's the best kind of sofa for little kids?

Are you concerned that a new sofa is just going to be destroyed by your kids? Making smart choices will ensure your couch stands up to your family. Duration 3:51.

What's the best fabric for kids?

What's the best fabric for kids?

They jump on them, drip on them, and are often a sofa's worst nightmare. Here are some great durable, cleanable fabric options if you have children in your home. Duration 4:15.

What do I do with all these fabric swatches?

What do I do with all these fabric swatches?

We have hundreds and hundreds of fabric swatches available on our site, you've probably ordered a few of them by now. Duration 4:31.

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